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Getting pregnant in your 30's and 40's. How BBT charting will tell you about your hormones.

Trying to get pregnant in your 30's and 40's can be challenging for some women, this is especially true if your periods are irregular.

If you have been trying to get pregnant and it hasnt happended for you yet, BBT (Body Basal Temperature) charting will give you clues to solve the puzzle on what is happening within your body. If you dont know how to do BBT charting, check out my previous posts.

Lets have a look at some examples of different charts I see in the clinic.

BBT chart monitoring hormones

This chart shows that the woman has a longer cycle of 31 day cycle with a 5 day bleed, and ovulation on day 17. The issue for this paitent is that some of her first half of her cycle (follicular cycle) temperatures are too high, which we worked on in the clinic.

This patients chart is quite erratic, she bleed during the middle of here cycle, didnt ovulate that month, and her cycle is only 24 days . This patient is in her late 40's and is beginning to experience peri menopause symptoms as her ovaries begin to slow down and struggle to ovulate every month. My approach for this patient is to regulate her hormones and use, acupuncture, herbs and supplements to get her feeling life herself again.

This chart shows a very stressed woman in her mid 30's. There is no ovulation that happened this month and she has a short chart. My main focus was to help calm her down and reduce stress that is impacting here hormones. She sees me on a weekly basis now as I regulate her hormones on a weekly basis for each part of her cycle.

Here is another patient that hasn't ovulated this month and has consistently high BBT temperatures throughout the whole month. She had a lot of heat symptoms throughout the whole month, which we worked on first.

If you are looking at either getting pregnant or trying to understand what is happening with your hormonees and cycles, book in a session with me and we put the pieces together of your puzzle.

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