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Free e-books

I believe that healthy living starts in the home, changing the foods you eat, sleep patterns, emotions and self care routines. This is why I created some free e-books for you to do at home, in between your acupuncture treatments, herbal tonics and supplements. No need for you to sign up for these ones, just click on the image to access my gift to you.

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Eating the Chinese medicine way


Chinese dietary therapy was always seen as the foundations to good health in ancient Chinese times. The Chinese would often alter their diets depending on the season, where they lived, depending on how they were feeling, and current health concerns. In Chinese medicine it is believed that post-natal qi (energy) comes from the food we eat and digest, as well as the air we breathe, therefore any acupuncture or Chinese herbal therapy that you receive from a practitioner can only work effectively if you have a good dietary foundation to support your treatments, otherwise you undo all your practitioners hard work. Foods are therefore used everyday to help rebalance the body, and ensure there isn’t any disharmony or disease.

The guide below provides you with general information on how the ancient Chinese viewed foods as medicine, which organs they treated, how the foods worked energetically on the body, and what season to eat certain foods in.

Click on the image for a FREE copy.

*Be patient as it is a big document to download.

Food Spread
Eating right for menopause and weight loss

In Chinese medicine menopause is called 'Second Spring'. It is a time of great transition for women not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. 

In China, women adjust their diet and lifestyle to help manage any signs and symptoms that they may be experiencing during this transition. 

Unfortunately women in Western societies are not taught this and end up suffering or needing medical interventions such as medication or surgery to assist them through peri menopause and menopause. 

I have created two ebooks with information aimed at educating women about how Chinese medicine sees menopause and what lifestyle changes they can make especially around food. I have also included in the second ebook a 5 day meal plan using foods that are more available in the western kitchens.

If you would like a copy of the ebooks, please email me at and I can email them as they are quite large documents.


If you needvmore information or a more tailored approach to your health needs, you can book online to see me in the clinic, or book a Telehealth appointment (which I currently have a special deal on at the moment).

Happy reading.

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